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قديم منذ /23-07-2024, 07:32 AM   #1

عقاري فضي

فلاش غير متصل


 رقم العضوية : 41646
 تاريخ الإنتساب : Apr 2018
 المشاركات : 1,326

افتراضي شركة رحلات سياحية

Tourist and cultural trips to Cairo
Tourist and cultural trips to Cairo
Enjoy Cairo excursions and day tours. There are many things to do in Cairo. Day
Tours and Excursions in Cairo, Cairo Day Trips, we will help you do all the tours in Cairo, Egyptian Museum Tour Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, Memphis, Saqqara. Citadel and Old Cairo, day trip to Luxor from Cairo by plane. Night tour to Luxor from Cairo by plane. Take your vacation and enjoy the best day trips in Cairo. Marsaalamtours gives you the opportunity to enjoy excursions in Cairo to the most attractive destinations in Egypt, we have a variety of tours and excursions from Cairo. Some of the excursions you almost can't miss include tours to the Egyptian Desert, the oases, Fayoum, Bahariya, Siwa Oasis, and the Middle Pyramids. Hawara Pyramids, Nile Cruise Packages and Abu Simbel From Cairo, you'll find that Cairo cruises and day tours have a lot to offer.ust visit.

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قديم منذ /23-07-2024, 07:37 AM   #2

عقاري فضي

فلاش غير متصل


 رقم العضوية : 41646
 تاريخ الإنتساب : Apr 2018
 المشاركات : 1,326


Exploring Cultural Heritage: A Comprehensive Guide to Tourist Trips in Cairo
Book a speedboat cruise in Hurghada at the best& Snorkeling

Hurghada parachute trip and water games Parasailing | Joy
Quad Bike safari in Hurghada with camel ride in the desert

The cost of a beach buggy safari trip to Hurghada best price
Day trip horse riding in Hurghada at the best prices 2024

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قديم منذ /23-07-2024, 09:02 AM   #3

عقاري فضي

فلاش غير متصل


 رقم العضوية : 41646
 تاريخ الإنتساب : Apr 2018
 المشاركات : 1,326


1. Introduction to Cairo: A City of Cultural Riches
Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is one of the world's largest cities and is an area that has become an important focus of archaeological inventory and study. As the "gateway to the pyramids," it is a chaotic, bustling city with a river as important as the Nile plowing through both the entire country of Egypt itself as well as through the capital city of Cairo. From the desert of Cairo to the bounty of the River Nile leaving its vast waterways and very fertile soil, and thus offering the opportunity to develop agriculture by harnessing the water, all of Egyptian civilization is entirely dependent on the Nile. As a tourist, you need to leave the inconvenience of getting to know the pyramids to visit the bustling streets and meet the locals in the ever-crowded Cairo.

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قديم منذ /23-07-2024, 09:29 AM   #4

عقاري فضي

فلاش غير متصل


 رقم العضوية : 41646
 تاريخ الإنتساب : Apr 2018
 المشاركات : 1,326


The Nile River flows through the capital city of Cairo with its rich history which is home to one of the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World - The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Overnight Tour in vip Dolphin Reef from hurgahda &snorkeling 2024

Book a Paradise Island trip to Hurghada at the best prices » 2024

Book a trip to Orange Bay Island in Hurghada , Snorkeling & Lunch

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